How To Setup RMS Express on OS X (Apple)

Hello and thanks for taking a moment to stop by! In this post, I will show you how I setup my MacBook Pro to use RMS Express which is WinLink software to function properly using CrossOver software. It may seem a little complex and honestly there is not a lot of great information on the web to demonstrate and walk you through the steps of setting this up, so I thought I would take a stab at it. If you have any issues or hiccups, click the Contact tab from the Menu above and I will do my best to give you some help. the purpose of this thread is to help others setup RMS Express on OS X and as always, to promote the friendliness of amateur radio.

Below is the software I have setup on my MacBook Pro
– OS X Version 10.9.5
– CrossOver for Mac Version 13.0
– RMS Express for Windows Version
– VOACAP for Windows Version 12.0722W

Links to download needed software
CrossOver for Mac
RMS Express for Windows
VOACAP for Windows

Hardware Used
– MacBook Pro
– SignaLink USB
SignaLink USB may be purchased at amateur radio supply stores, or at Ham Radio Outlet for about $100

Go ahead and download the needed software before you go any farther into this installation. Doing so will make it easier for the install.

Be sure before you begin this installistion that you correctly setup your SignaLink USB to properly send and receive. Also be sure to turn the delay to the lowest setting.

First Is To Install RMS Express Into CrossOver

Step One
Create a new WinXP bottle:
– Configure > Manage Bottles > + (Add New Bottle)
– Name the bottle and follow instructions

Step Two
One you have created the bottle, you need to install specific software into your bottle.
– Under Manage Bottles, click Applications tab > Install Software
– In the list of available applications scroll to Service Pack and Upgrades
– Select Microsoft .NET Franework 3.5 Service Pack 1
– Click Install

Once you click Install it will prompt you to install a lot of software so you will have to keep a watchful eye on it. When it ask you to Restart, click Restart Now.

Step Three
Install RMS Express
– Under Manage Bottles, click Applications tab > Install Software
– Under Select An Application To Install, croll to the bottom of the list of applications
– Select Unsupported Applications > Other Application
– Click the Select An Installer tab > Choose Installer File
– Chose the previously downloaded RMS Express software
– Click Use This Installer
– Click Install

Step Four
Install VOACAP
VOACAP is used to plot propagation reports to better provide stations you can connect to easier
– Under Manage Bottles, click Applications tab > Install Software
– Under Select An Application To Install, croll to the bottom of the list of applications
– Select Unsupported Applications > Other Application
– Click the Select An Installer tab > Choose Installer File
– Chose the previously downloaded VOACAP software
This software should have a name that looks like itshfbc_120722.exe
– Click Use This Installer
– Click Install
– Follow the instructions (clicking Next and Agree To Terms and Conditions)
– Once you are prompted to install to a certain location, install to c:\itshfbc
– Click Install
– Once completed click Finish
– Once installation is complete click Done

Step Five
Setup RMS Express in Command Menu for easier access
– Click Programs > Run Command
– Use bottle
This is the bottle where the RMS Software and VOACAP Software is installed
– Command > Click Browse
– Select Program Files > RMS > RMS Express.exe
– Click Save Command To Programs Menu
You may now click Programs and choose RMS Express to more easily access and run this software

Step Six
Setup RMS Express preferences
– Run RMS Express Software
– Select Files > RMS Express Setup
– Complete necessary information
– Under Path To Propagation Forecast Program
– Enter C:\itshfbc\
– Once completed with the setup click Update
– Click the drop down menu under Open Session
– If you are setting up this software to use with SgnaLink USB, select Winmor WL2K
– Once selecting Winmor WL2K click the Open Session button
– Click Setup > WINMOR TNC Setup
– WINMOR Capture Device > select USB Audio Codec
– WINMOR Playback Device > select USB Audio Codec
– Click Update

Step Seven
Use RMS Express
– Still under the Open Session section select Channel Selection
– Click Path Quality Estimate
This will start with the highest numbers then scroll to the lowest estimates
– Select the station you wish to contact
– Tune your radio to the Dial Freq (kHz)
– Once ready to transmit and receive, click Start

Connecting to another station will send / receive any messages you have.

I hope this helps you setup RMS and properly use it! If you have any questions, comments, or updates to this thread, please let me know.

7 Comments on How To Setup RMS Express on OS X (Apple)

James Hannibal said : Guest Report 7 years ago

I have already utilized iPhones connected to Ham Radios such as my KX2 using The KF5INZ “EASY DIGI” "VOX" IPhone/IPad/IPod Touch interface available on eBay at the link provided below. It has been very successful when paired with various Software TNC audio modem iPhone apps such as: APRSpro, iWSPR, HF FAX, PSKer, Hellschreiber, & SSTV. Whoever first developes a software based audio modem iOS app for Winlink would be a very popular and profitable iPhone app. If you know of any iOS ham developers I recommend you suggest the idea to them. 73! Jim - KH2SR KeychainQRP

Andrew Lawson said : administrator Report 7 years ago

I agree an iPhone app for Winlink would be wonderful to build! The only issue I would foresee is the interface to an Amateur Radio. The problem is a lot of radios are not capable of easily connecting with smart phones. One idea would be to use a radio with VOX and have the app send the data via speaker phone. The radio and phone would talk back and forth to one another. But then you have to be sure to eliminate all background noise, otherwise the phone and radio may not have the ability to differentiate what is being sent and received. This is an excellent idea and I may have to give this some thought! I am sure there has to be someone who is trying to perfect that endeavor.

James Hannibal said : Guest Report 7 years ago

I wish someone would write an iOS app to run a winlink email client from an iPhone. That would be amazing and allow hams with iPhones to join in on the winlink system.

Andrew Lawson said : administrator Report 8 years ago

My apologies for the lengthy delay, I've been rather short on time lately. Might I ask what forms you are talking about? I have recently been using VMware and running BootCamp with it, using my RMS Express software and other Windows only applications for amateur radio, and it has worked great!

Anthony Compton said : Guest Report 8 years ago

Thanks for this write up. I am happily running RMS Express on my MBA. I am having trouble getting forms to work. I'm wondering if you are able to use forms on you OS X install.

n4awl said : administrator Report 9 years ago

Hi John! Thanks for taking a moment to message me. I am surprised that your picture file comes up instead of the VOACAP program. My suggestion is this, and please let me know if you have already tried this: - Download the VOACAP software into your downloads folder. - Once downloaded, open the Wine Bottle inside CrossOver, and install it into the same bottle that RMS Express is in. - After this, you should be able to direct RMS Express to locate the VOACAP software inside its respective folder, and it should work as described. I am very surprised VOACAP attempts to download your pictures, hopefully with this way of installing, it should keep from doing this. Let me know how it goes, and in the mean time I am going to try to recreate the problem on my end. 73. Andrew N4AWL

John Bruce said : Guest Report 9 years ago

Hi Andrew, I have tried to download VOACAP for Windows onto my MacBook Air and my Picture file comes up instead of the VOACAP program and my computer begins to download images from my iPhotos library. I'm not off to a good start...any suggestions? John WL7BNQ (general class)

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