Tag Archives: Mississippi

Vacation 2013 – Arkansas – Part Two

Greetings everyone from the beautiful state of Tennessee!! Haha, I think I may have fooled you for a minute, making you think I was in Arkansas by the way that intro sounded. 🙂 I made it back to Tennessee august 11th, after about an eleven hour drive from Arkansas.

Speaking of Arkansas though, I had a marvelous time. I spent eleven days visiting with family, doing a little work on the farm, and I did some sightseeing. Papa, my cousin Jacob, and I, went to Hot Springs and spent a full day there. We visited the gangster museum, went to the top of the Hot Springs Mountain Tower, and then managed to get a little turned around on the drive back to Grapevine. I also had the pleasure of meeting Jacob’s girlfriend, and he sure has found himself a winner; she is a wonderful woman. We sure did have a lot of fun, and pictures from my vacation can be found below.

I made sure throughout my vacation to do some geocaching. I located caches in the following states:


I am up to fourteen states so far… and counting!

In all honesty I hated to leave Arkansas. I have such a wonderful family there, and while my family in Tennessee is wonderful, it would be great if I could move them all to Arkansas. But I hope everyone enjoys the pictures, and I will enjoy the wonderful memories made.